Sunday, February 5, 2017

More family time

This afternoon Kate drove us outside of Groningen to visit our nephew Charles and his family.

It's been several years since we have visited them and it was no surprise to see them so grown up. We shook hands with a tall 13 year old and his charming sister who was born thee days after our granddaughter.

We felt at home in their living room as they served us tea, coffee, cookies and apple tart.
Charles had put together a slideshow of their family which showed us some of their birthdays, vacations and family times. Although the adults all spoke English the kids listened carefully as they worked to match their classroom English to the flow of our conversation. Although both of them study English in school, they weren't ready to speak up. I'm pretty sure they understood more than they admitted, however. 

In the evening we went out to a new restaurant in a nearby hotel. The food was traditional Dutch cuisine and everyone relaxed around the round table. 

It was so pleasant that I forgot I'd be missing the Super Bowl tonight. Not till I got back to the hotel did I realize that kickoff would be after midnight here.  Will I follow the play by play in bed?  Will I sleep soundly and wake up tomorrow with good news?  Maybe ......

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