Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Kansas is spectacular

We crossed into Kansas an hour after lunch.  The speed limit rose to 75 mph and the roads widened and spread till there were hundreds of yards between vehicles and grasslands on each side. It wasn't exactly flat, but the hills rolled like the swells of the ocean as far as the eye could see. Occasional groves of trees or single bushes broke the landscape.   

We are nearly halfway across the state now and the wide vista stretches out in the sun's rays shimmering with greens and golds.

Sometimes black cattle graze in the distance.

Rolls of hay wait in the fields to be gathered into barns.

We saw a region with hundreds of windmills turning in the prairie wind. 

The sky dominates the view. At first it was a dome of cloudless blue. Then a line of clouds appeared on the horizon. We were soon under ragged gray clouds that seemed to threaten.

But as we continued the blue sky returned and the only clouds left are white puffs in the distance. 

Occasionally we saw enormous combines driving through the fields harvesting crops we cannot identify.  In the immensity of this landscape these huge vehicles seem small as do we and even the 18 wheelers on the road.  

The sun sank gently as we drove west, and the color gradually faded from the landscape. 

As we crossed into Colorado the sky turned black. We gained an hour as we entered Rocky Mountain Time and arrived at our hotel at 7:30 after driving across Missouri and Kansas. What beauties await us tomorrow in the Rocky Mountains?

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